Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Special Olympics Training

Well it's that time of year again! The countdowns have begun, 25 days until Christmas, 31 Days until the New Year, but most importantly 32 days until the beginning of training for Special Olympics! Training for Special Olympics begins in January and runs through April when the first competition is held. The competitions, hosted by Special Olympics, are one of the biggest opportunities for our students to compete and show everyone how much they have improved throughout the year. There are two major competitions in the Special Olympics program. The Special Olympics qualifiers are a competition between the two Therapeutic programs in Bucks County; Ivy Hill Equestrian and One Step At A Time. Competitors who do well in this show earn a chance to move on to the Summer Games held at Penn State University. Here athletes compete with other riders from therapeutic riding centers from all over the state! This is always one of the most exciting weekends for the entire program, including riders, volunteers, instructors, and parents.

As we approach this holiday season remember to sign up, or sign your child up, to train and compete in Special Olympics! In order to be eligible all athletes must have a Special Olympics medical on file. The medical can be found by clicking on this link http://www.ivyhillequestrian.org/yahoo_site_admin/assets/docs/SO_MEDICAL.355101351.pdf

Also volunteers must have all paperwork done in order to be able to accompany athletes to Special Olympics at Penn State. Paperwork can be found at this link http://www.ivyhillequestrian.org/yahoo_site_admin/assets/docs/Volunteer_Registration_Form.355101312.pdf
Volunteer must also complete an online training session at this site
Once it is completed the results should be emailed to Megan at mstrychowski@ivyhillequestrian.org.

Any questions or concerns please contact Megan at mstrychowski@ivyhillequestrian.org or the next time you are at the barn!

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