Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Special Olympics Training

Well it's that time of year again! The countdowns have begun, 25 days until Christmas, 31 Days until the New Year, but most importantly 32 days until the beginning of training for Special Olympics! Training for Special Olympics begins in January and runs through April when the first competition is held. The competitions, hosted by Special Olympics, are one of the biggest opportunities for our students to compete and show everyone how much they have improved throughout the year. There are two major competitions in the Special Olympics program. The Special Olympics qualifiers are a competition between the two Therapeutic programs in Bucks County; Ivy Hill Equestrian and One Step At A Time. Competitors who do well in this show earn a chance to move on to the Summer Games held at Penn State University. Here athletes compete with other riders from therapeutic riding centers from all over the state! This is always one of the most exciting weekends for the entire program, including riders, volunteers, instructors, and parents.

As we approach this holiday season remember to sign up, or sign your child up, to train and compete in Special Olympics! In order to be eligible all athletes must have a Special Olympics medical on file. The medical can be found by clicking on this link http://www.ivyhillequestrian.org/yahoo_site_admin/assets/docs/SO_MEDICAL.355101351.pdf

Also volunteers must have all paperwork done in order to be able to accompany athletes to Special Olympics at Penn State. Paperwork can be found at this link http://www.ivyhillequestrian.org/yahoo_site_admin/assets/docs/Volunteer_Registration_Form.355101312.pdf
Volunteer must also complete an online training session at this site
Once it is completed the results should be emailed to Megan at mstrychowski@ivyhillequestrian.org.

Any questions or concerns please contact Megan at mstrychowski@ivyhillequestrian.org or the next time you are at the barn!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Coin Drive

We have reached our first checkpoint in the Coin Drive! Ivy Hill is hosting a Coin Drive to help raise money for the capital campaign fund which supports us in our goal to obtain a property of our own. The first coin container was cashed in recently and the total was $241.10! The coin drive started in October and will continue until March 12th. Ivy Hill is hoping to raise $1000 from this coin drive so we could use everyone's help. Please remember to save your spare change and make a difference in helping Ivy Hill continue to grow towards owning a property of our very own!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Halloween Weekend Brings Close to Ivy Hill Show Season

Ivy Hill Therapeutic Equestrian Center, Hilltown, ended their show season on Saturday with their annual fall home show. Although it was a chilly day, so many family and friends came out to support all the competing students. Classes included trail, equitation and a costume class. This show was widely attended by students and their family and friends.

The Fall Home Show was the last in a growing number of shows students are able to participate in throughout the showing season. Over the past few years, Ivy Hill has expanded the competition opportunities offered to students due in large part to the truck and trailer they were able to purchase. These purchases were made possible through many donations as well as grants from Farm & Home Oil Charitable Fund (now Longacre Family Foundation) and First Savings Community Foundation.

The season starts in early spring with the Special Olympic County Show for Bucks County and is followed by Ivy Hill’s Spring Home Show.

Next up, students head to Malvern, PA to compete in the Handicapped Rider’s Division of The Devon Horse Show. This show is always a favorite among students and staff. Horses also compete in this show and can win the coveted Therapeutic Horse of the Year Award presented at the Devon Show Grounds. While our two nominated horses Duncan & Charlie did not win, four students received special honors from HRE: Madison G. and Amy G. tied for the E. W. Garbisch Reserve Champion, which is given for the highest score in Equitation. Crystal Rhodes was awarded Reserve Champion for the Francis DeRuschi award which, is given for the highest score in Division I. And lastly, Sean O’Brien was awarded both the Brushwood Trophy, given for the highest combined score of dressage and equitation, and the Thorncroft Perpetual Trophy, given for the highest combined score in Equitation, Trail, and Dressage in Division III. What a great show for Ivy Hill students!!

In early June, students from Ivy Hill and One Step at a Time, Pineville, represent Bucks County at the Pennsylvania Summer Special Olympics at State College, PA. Twelve Ivy Hill students went to the State Games this year and had a wonderful time. They love making new friends at the state games while competing in Dressage, Equitation, Trail, Showmanship, and Team Relays. No trip to Penn State would be complete without a visit to the Creamery for Ice Cream. It truly is an amazing experience for our students.

Throughout the summer, students compete at dressage shows at the Bucks County Horse Park on Tuesday nights. These are great learning shows for students to glean feedback from someone other than their instructors. It is also a great opportunity for students to show off the skills they work hard to master each week.

In the fall, students look forward to the Fall Show at Thorncroft, Inc., a therapeutic program located in Malvern, PA. Students compete in jumping, equitation, trail and dressage classes. The beautiful fall weather and setting make this show another favorite among students.

Several Ivy Hill students also participate in the Pink Ribbon Ride held annually at the Bucks County Horse Park to raise money for Breast Cancer. They love decorating their horses with pink ribbons, saddle pads and wraps for this cross country ride.

This year Ivy Hill students were asked to participate in the Delaware State Special Olympic Show for the first time. Seven students from Ivy Hill participated in this show and had a great time.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Opportunities for Clients, Families, Staff & Volunteers

A few opportunities to share:

BCASC Parent Forum

Date: Monday, November 8, 2010
Time: 7:00pm-9:00pm
Where: Doylestown Health & Wellness Center, 847 Easton Road, Warrington (in the Doylestown Room on the lower level of the building.)

The group is open to all, including parents, grandparents and guardians or children and teens and adults on the autism spectrum in Bucks County and surrounding areas. Parents of children with autism spectrum disorders often feel socially isolated and have difficulty finding information and support. With that in mind, the goals of the BCASC PARENT FORUM would be:

1. To provide parents of children on the autism spectrum an opportunity to meet, socialize and make new friends

2. To share information with each other on such topics as behavior concerns, meeting medical needs, different therapies, diet, sensory processing needs, education, etc.

3. To be a source of support, understanding and hope to parents as they care for their ASD children

4. To keep parents informed of BCASC activities, such as volunteer opportunities, family fun nights, membership meetings, fundraisers and the annual conference

The group will be an open forum, with no pre-planned agenda. Discussion will revolve around areas of concern or interest to the parents in attendance.

Contact MIgnasiak@bcasc.org for more details


Parents Support Group

Date: 2nd Friday of every month
Time: 7:00pm-8:30pm
Where: Ivyland Counseling Center , 1210 Old York Road, Suite 202 , Warminster , PA 18974

To register for this PARENTS GROUP or for more information please contact:

Rosalie Jacobs M.Ed, BCB at rjacobs@ivylandcounselingcenter.com or 215-444-9204, ext. 13

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Additional Events are on these websites please check them out. A lot of them are low cost.

Bucks County Autism Support Coalition

Autism Cares Foundation

BCASC Community Presentation on Autism
Date:Thursday, December 2, 2010
Time: 7:00pm-9:00pm
Where: Doylestown Health & Wellness Center,
847 Easton Road, Warrington (in the Doylestown Room on the lower level of the building.)

This is a free presentation to the public on Autism with Q&A at the end.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Youngstrand

Congratulations to Sarah & Ryan who were married on Saturday, October 23rd. The ceremony & reception were held in Emmaus with a beautiful outdoor wedding and barn reception. Moments before Sarah walked down the aisle, the sun broke through the clouds & remained shining for the entire ceremony.

Best wishes as you begin your lives together!!