Thursday, December 16, 2010


Well Winter has really begun and it has brought the frigid weather with it! As we move forward towards the colder of the Winter months Ivy Hill would like to remind everyone to dress warmly! Remember layers are the key! Unfortunately the barn does not have any kind of heating so in order to make lessons during the winter as comfortable as possible please remember to put on extra warm layers and bundle up as much as possible. (Multiple socks are highly suggested!) As always we look forward to seeing everyone at the barn and we hope you can stay as warm as possible!!

(Summer will be here before we know it!)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Lessons Canceled!

Lessons have been canceled today due to the high wind chill! We hope to see you all next week when the whether will hopefully be a little nicer!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Horse Sponsors 2011

Looking for an exciting gift for your child or loved one? Ivy Hill is now accepting horse sponsorships for the 2011 year. All horses are available for sponsorship and can be sponsored for a season, half a year, or an entire year. Horse sponsorship are to help with the cost of maintaining our thirteen horses, in a healthy condition. Horses are an expensive animal to keep happy due to the cost of feed, veterinary services and shoeing. (Shoes alone can cost over $120 every six weeks.) Sponsorships help to alleviate some of the expense and helps us keep our horses happy and healthy!Please consider sponsoring your or your child's favorite equine this holiday season!

Ivy Hill's Website

The Ivy Hill website has received a face lift! New pictures have been added to the website as well as having the profiles of our new instructors and horses being updated. The website is one of our main sources of getting information out to our supporters so make sure to check it for updates!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Welcome to Dina and Chris

Ivy Hill would like to welcome our two new instructors Dina Pietrangelo and Chris Geller!
Chris Geller bring many years of experience to Ivy Hill. Chris grew up showing, driving, trail riding, and fox hunting. She still owns her own barn in Coopersburg! Chris has been a Therapeutic Instructor for thirteen years working with both adults and children with mental and physical disabilities. She received her NARHA certification in 1995. Christ also has a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and a Master's degree in Elementary Education.
Dina Pietrangelo began teaching with Ivy Hill in October of 2010. She brings with her experience from other Therapeutic programs in the area. Dina is also a NARHA Registered Instructor.
Ivy Hill is alway excited to have new staff enter our family. Every new instructor brings a wealth of experience with them and allows us to grow and mature as a program! It also adds the opportunity for more students to become part of our program! Again we send a warm welcome to Dina and Chris as they enter into the the Ivy Hill family!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Stocking Stuffers!

As we continue to draw closer to the holiday season Ivy Hill has some small gifts that would be perfect for those partially full stockings! Currently in stock we have some Ivy Hill paraphernalia including; car magnets ($3), water bottles ($8), and there is still some clothing in stock. The next round of clothing orders will not be until the Spring but Megan still has some sizes in stock. Check in with her to find out what's in stock!
Also in stock is the book Dasher's Lucky Shoe by Robin Lightner. It’s a fun story of Santa delivering gifts to a special children's ranch in Wyoming. Dasher, Santa's lead reindeer loses a shoe as they land on the rooftop at this special ranch. Fortunately for Santa, the ranch has a children's therapeutic riding program, and their blacksmith, Big John, comes to the rescue.
Over the years the children at this special needs ranch collected reindeer shoes, and one is included in this package.
Megan has five more books in stock for the price of $18 dollars. When supplies run out more books can be ordered directly from the flyer hanging up at the barn. >
Also for sale are the tickets to win a 1975 Corvette! Only 1,100 tickets are going to be sold for $20 each. The drawing will take place on March 21, 2011, at Ivy Hill's Annual Silent Auction and Dinner. All proceeds from this sale benefit Ivy Hill!

Bring a little bit of the barn home with you this Holiday. As always, on behalf of all Ivy Hill staff, Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Special Olympics Training

Well it's that time of year again! The countdowns have begun, 25 days until Christmas, 31 Days until the New Year, but most importantly 32 days until the beginning of training for Special Olympics! Training for Special Olympics begins in January and runs through April when the first competition is held. The competitions, hosted by Special Olympics, are one of the biggest opportunities for our students to compete and show everyone how much they have improved throughout the year. There are two major competitions in the Special Olympics program. The Special Olympics qualifiers are a competition between the two Therapeutic programs in Bucks County; Ivy Hill Equestrian and One Step At A Time. Competitors who do well in this show earn a chance to move on to the Summer Games held at Penn State University. Here athletes compete with other riders from therapeutic riding centers from all over the state! This is always one of the most exciting weekends for the entire program, including riders, volunteers, instructors, and parents.

As we approach this holiday season remember to sign up, or sign your child up, to train and compete in Special Olympics! In order to be eligible all athletes must have a Special Olympics medical on file. The medical can be found by clicking on this link

Also volunteers must have all paperwork done in order to be able to accompany athletes to Special Olympics at Penn State. Paperwork can be found at this link
Volunteer must also complete an online training session at this site
Once it is completed the results should be emailed to Megan at

Any questions or concerns please contact Megan at or the next time you are at the barn!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Coin Drive

We have reached our first checkpoint in the Coin Drive! Ivy Hill is hosting a Coin Drive to help raise money for the capital campaign fund which supports us in our goal to obtain a property of our own. The first coin container was cashed in recently and the total was $241.10! The coin drive started in October and will continue until March 12th. Ivy Hill is hoping to raise $1000 from this coin drive so we could use everyone's help. Please remember to save your spare change and make a difference in helping Ivy Hill continue to grow towards owning a property of our very own!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Halloween Weekend Brings Close to Ivy Hill Show Season

Ivy Hill Therapeutic Equestrian Center, Hilltown, ended their show season on Saturday with their annual fall home show. Although it was a chilly day, so many family and friends came out to support all the competing students. Classes included trail, equitation and a costume class. This show was widely attended by students and their family and friends.

The Fall Home Show was the last in a growing number of shows students are able to participate in throughout the showing season. Over the past few years, Ivy Hill has expanded the competition opportunities offered to students due in large part to the truck and trailer they were able to purchase. These purchases were made possible through many donations as well as grants from Farm & Home Oil Charitable Fund (now Longacre Family Foundation) and First Savings Community Foundation.

The season starts in early spring with the Special Olympic County Show for Bucks County and is followed by Ivy Hill’s Spring Home Show.

Next up, students head to Malvern, PA to compete in the Handicapped Rider’s Division of The Devon Horse Show. This show is always a favorite among students and staff. Horses also compete in this show and can win the coveted Therapeutic Horse of the Year Award presented at the Devon Show Grounds. While our two nominated horses Duncan & Charlie did not win, four students received special honors from HRE: Madison G. and Amy G. tied for the E. W. Garbisch Reserve Champion, which is given for the highest score in Equitation. Crystal Rhodes was awarded Reserve Champion for the Francis DeRuschi award which, is given for the highest score in Division I. And lastly, Sean O’Brien was awarded both the Brushwood Trophy, given for the highest combined score of dressage and equitation, and the Thorncroft Perpetual Trophy, given for the highest combined score in Equitation, Trail, and Dressage in Division III. What a great show for Ivy Hill students!!

In early June, students from Ivy Hill and One Step at a Time, Pineville, represent Bucks County at the Pennsylvania Summer Special Olympics at State College, PA. Twelve Ivy Hill students went to the State Games this year and had a wonderful time. They love making new friends at the state games while competing in Dressage, Equitation, Trail, Showmanship, and Team Relays. No trip to Penn State would be complete without a visit to the Creamery for Ice Cream. It truly is an amazing experience for our students.

Throughout the summer, students compete at dressage shows at the Bucks County Horse Park on Tuesday nights. These are great learning shows for students to glean feedback from someone other than their instructors. It is also a great opportunity for students to show off the skills they work hard to master each week.

In the fall, students look forward to the Fall Show at Thorncroft, Inc., a therapeutic program located in Malvern, PA. Students compete in jumping, equitation, trail and dressage classes. The beautiful fall weather and setting make this show another favorite among students.

Several Ivy Hill students also participate in the Pink Ribbon Ride held annually at the Bucks County Horse Park to raise money for Breast Cancer. They love decorating their horses with pink ribbons, saddle pads and wraps for this cross country ride.

This year Ivy Hill students were asked to participate in the Delaware State Special Olympic Show for the first time. Seven students from Ivy Hill participated in this show and had a great time.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Opportunities for Clients, Families, Staff & Volunteers

A few opportunities to share:

BCASC Parent Forum

Date: Monday, November 8, 2010
Time: 7:00pm-9:00pm
Where: Doylestown Health & Wellness Center, 847 Easton Road, Warrington (in the Doylestown Room on the lower level of the building.)

The group is open to all, including parents, grandparents and guardians or children and teens and adults on the autism spectrum in Bucks County and surrounding areas. Parents of children with autism spectrum disorders often feel socially isolated and have difficulty finding information and support. With that in mind, the goals of the BCASC PARENT FORUM would be:

1. To provide parents of children on the autism spectrum an opportunity to meet, socialize and make new friends

2. To share information with each other on such topics as behavior concerns, meeting medical needs, different therapies, diet, sensory processing needs, education, etc.

3. To be a source of support, understanding and hope to parents as they care for their ASD children

4. To keep parents informed of BCASC activities, such as volunteer opportunities, family fun nights, membership meetings, fundraisers and the annual conference

The group will be an open forum, with no pre-planned agenda. Discussion will revolve around areas of concern or interest to the parents in attendance.

Contact for more details


Parents Support Group

Date: 2nd Friday of every month
Time: 7:00pm-8:30pm
Where: Ivyland Counseling Center , 1210 Old York Road, Suite 202 , Warminster , PA 18974

To register for this PARENTS GROUP or for more information please contact:

Rosalie Jacobs M.Ed, BCB at or 215-444-9204, ext. 13

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Additional Events are on these websites please check them out. A lot of them are low cost.

Bucks County Autism Support Coalition

Autism Cares Foundation

BCASC Community Presentation on Autism
Date:Thursday, December 2, 2010
Time: 7:00pm-9:00pm
Where: Doylestown Health & Wellness Center,
847 Easton Road, Warrington (in the Doylestown Room on the lower level of the building.)

This is a free presentation to the public on Autism with Q&A at the end.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Youngstrand

Congratulations to Sarah & Ryan who were married on Saturday, October 23rd. The ceremony & reception were held in Emmaus with a beautiful outdoor wedding and barn reception. Moments before Sarah walked down the aisle, the sun broke through the clouds & remained shining for the entire ceremony.

Best wishes as you begin your lives together!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Acting Antics for the Entire Family

Passing along this opportunity to our clients & their families.

Acting Antics is a non-profit organization providing outlets for individuals on the autism spectrum to utilize music and theatre as a means to improve social connections while having FUN.

Register early as space is limited to 10 families per group.

**Keep in mind that the intention is to get the entire family involved in activities**

Group 1: Movin' & Groovin'

This session will focus on using music, movement, and games targeting skills such as following directions, motor planning, and turn-taking. Songs make use of costume pieces, rhythm instruments or props, and are fun for entire family! This session can accommodate individuals of all developmental levels.

Group 2: Theatre games

This session involves interactive theatre and improvisation games, and is great fun for those individuals who have fairly good verbal skills. The games are group-oriented so that everyone can be comfortable and no one is put in the spotlight unless they choose to be!

Saturday, November 6, 2010
10:00 - 11:30 a.m.
Location: Log College Middle School, 730 Norristown Rd, Warminster, PA 18974

Register by emailing and include:

*Family name

*Number of participants

*Group choice (#1 or #2)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Our Friend Skip

Ivy Hill had Skip for 3 years and loved every minute we had with him. When we retired him at 28 his body could not keep up with his mind.

Sadly, Skip passed away on Monday night. He was 31 years old. They brought him in from the field and after eating he laid down in his stall and fell asleep.

We send him along the Rainbow Bridge with Spot, Tonka and all the other horses that have served our students over the years!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Ivy Hill Students Win Big at Thorncroft

Ivy Hill students do it again with another banner day at Thorncroft Equestrian Center. All riders did a great job in their classes and it was a beautiful fall day to ride and watch the show. Riders enjoyed watching, competing, and cheering on other riders from Ivy Hill. The team work was great and family and friends were on hand to watch and support our riders as well.

14 riders, 5 horses, 4 instructors, and 6 volunteers attended the show.

Ivy Hill riders had many comments from the dressage ring such as: your circles were great, you have improved so much, you worked really well with that horse, good precision and energy between you and your horse, and good attention to detail.

Comments from the equitation ring included: you sat nice and tall, good posting, you kept your space nicely, and good control while steering.

Judges in those two rings have noticed an improvement in our riders who they have seen competing at Thorncroft for years. Judges were also excited to see some new faces. "Keep up the good work" they all kept saying!

Results from the show:

Gia A
Equitation- 2nd
Trail- 4th
Dressage- 2nd

Maria B
Equitation- 1st
Trail- 1st
Dressage- 3rd

Brianna B
Equitation- 2nd
Trail- 5th
Dressage- 5th

Kendra D
Equitation- 1st
Trail- 2nd
Dressage- 1st

Madison G
Equitation- 4th
Trail- 6th
Dressage- 4th

Justin M
Equitation- 4th
Trail- 5th
Dressage- ?

Madison M
Equitation- 4th
Trail- 4th

Sean O
Equitation- 1st
Trail- 1st

Brianna R
Equitation- 5th
Trail- 2nd
Dressage- ?

Crystal R
Equitation- 1st
Trail- 3rd
Dressage - 1st

Bryn R
Equitation- 4th
Trail- 5th

Barbara T
Equitation- 2nd
Trail- 2nd
Dressage- 2nd

Kali V
Equitation- 2nd
Trail- 4th
Dressage- 1st

Connor W
Equitation- 2nd
Trail- 3rd

Way to go Ivy Hill riders. You make us proud every day!!!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Place Your Fall Clothing Orders Now

It's time for our semi-annual Ivy Hill clothing sale. Orders are now being taken for fall/winter clothing with Ivy Hill's logo on them. Orders and payment are due no later than October 30th.
Orders will arrive before the holidays.

The following items are available to order:
Adult Items:
T-Shirt - your choice of black or forest - small, medium, large or x-large $15.00 each
Long Sleeve Shirt - your choice of black or forest - small, medium, large or x-large $20.00 each
Hooded Sweatshirts - your choice of black or forest - small, medium, large or x-large $30.00 each
Fleece Vest - Forest - small, medium, large or x-large $35.00 each
Jacket - Forest - small, medium, large or x-large $65.00 each

Children Items:
T-Shirt your choice of black or forest - small, medium, large or x-large $12.00 each
Long Sleeve Shirt - your choice of black or forest - small, medium, large or x-large $17.00 each
Hooded Sweatshirts - your choice of black or forest - small, medium, large or x-large $27.00 each
Fleece Vest - Forest - small, medium, large or x-large $30.00 each
Jacket - Forest - small, medium or large (no x-large available) $60.00 each

General Items:
Winter Hat - Forest - One Size Fits All - $15.00
Winter Scarf - Forest - One Size Fits All - $15.00
Winter Ear Warmers - Forest - One Size Fits All - $12.00
Baseball Cap - Forest or Stone - One Size Fits All - $15.00

Please contact Megan Strychowski with orders and any questions you may have. She can be reached at (267) 261-5467 or via email at

Also, at the Home Show on October 30th, we will have water bottles and car magnets for sale as well. These items are in stock now!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Children's Rights and Access to Services

Ivy Hill would like to pass on the following information to any clients, families, volunteers, etc. who may benefit from this webinar. This came to us from a local Autism Support Group. Thanks!
It's back to school time and many of you are facing a new school
year as an advocate for your child's rights to services both in
school and in the larger outside world. Understandably, you probably
have lots of questions and concerns about your child's rights and
access to services.

That's why we are fortunate to have Ms. Areva Martin, Attorney at
Law, who will be answering your questions. Ms. Martin is a sought
after syndicated columnist and author of two books on special needs

Her latest book is titled "The Everyday Advocate: Standing Up for
Your Child with Autism"

She is also a regular on the Dr. Phil Show and CBS The Early Show.
And like you, she has a child with autism so this will be a special
opportunity for you to ask questions and get answers.

Time: 6PM Pacific (9PM Eastern)
Date: Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I encourage you not to miss this live 2 hour webinar. To register
for this free event please click the link below:

Friday, September 17, 2010

BCASC Speaker Series

Sexuality and the Spectrum
Teaching Appropriate Behaviors and Dealing with Inappropriate Ones

This speaker series meeting on October 4th will feature Dr. Frank Cicero.

Dr. Cicero serves the autism community as the Director of Psychological Services for the Eden II program in New Jersey. He is a certified school psychologist receiving his Masters degree in school psychology from St. John's University and his Doctorate in Educational Psychology from the City University of New York Graduate Center. He is also a board certified behavior analyst. In addition to his position at Eden II, Dr. Cicero is an adjunct instructor in applied behavior analysis at Caldwell College, New Jersey, conducts social skills training groups for children and adults with Asperger's disorder and is currently on the board of the New York State Association for Behavior Analysis. He frequently conducts workshops, consultations and research presentations nationally.

When: Monday, October 4th
Time: 7:00p.m.
Where: The Bucks County Intermediate Unit, 705 N. Shady Retreat Road, Doylestown, PA 18901

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Best Wishes Becca & Julia!!

It's that time of year again...back to school time. This year, two Ivy Hill Instructors, Becca & Julia, have headed off to college. Both have been with Ivy Hill for several years and are part of the family. We know their students will miss them as much as we will.

In June Becca graduated from Souderton High School. She is attending Kutztown University where she will major in Special Education K-4.

In June Julia graduated from Lansdale Catholic. She is attending Penn State University'a Main Campus where she will have a duel major in Pre-Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences. Julia received the Arthur P. Lingousky Scholarship.

We would like to wish them the best of luck as they begin a new chapter in their lives. We will miss you!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Barn Closed for Special Olympics State Competition

Please note there are no lessons starting today through Monday, June 16th. Lessons will resume on Tuesday, June 17th. Best of luck to all our Special Olympic athletes traveling to Penn State University this week for the Pennsylvania Special Olympic State Games. Have fun!!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Photos from Devon!

Here are just a few photos from Devon on Memorial Day Weekend. Thank you Instructor Julia MacMinn for allowing us to use your photos. Enjoy!!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Ivy Hill Riders Win Big at Devon

Congratulations Ivy Hill riders!!!! Last Saturday 17 Ivy Hill riders competed at Thorncoft as part of the Handicapped Division of the Devon Horse Show. Riders had a great day of showing. Classes included trail, equitation, dressage and jumping. Not only do riders earn ribbons for each class they compete in, they also compete for trophies for overall performance as well. As always Ivy Hill horses are competing as well.

Over the past three years, Ivy Hill has returned to the winner's circle at the Dixon Oval on Sunday at the Devon Horse Show for trophies and championships - in 2007 & 2008 Ivy Hill horses Blue & Bean won Therapeutic Horse of the Year & were presented with ribbons and a cooler (blanket) in the Dixon Oval. Last year Crystal Rhodes & Sean O'Brien competed at HRE and then went to the Dixon Oval to receive their awards: Crystal was awarded Champion for the Anne Joyce Cocharne Perpetual Memorial Trophy, Reserve Champion for the Francis de Ruschi Perpetual Trophy, and Reserve Champion for the Brushwood Trophy. Sean O'Brien was awarded Champion for the Thorncroft Perpetual Trophy and Reserve Champion for the Anne Joyce Cochrane Perpetual Memorial Trophy.

This year was no different!! All riders did a great job and lots of ribbons were earned. The following Champion and Reserve Champion awards were won by Ivy Hill riders:

  • Madison G. and Amy G. tied for Reserve Champion of the E.W Garbisch Trophy for highest score in equitation.
  • Crystal R. was Reserve Champion for the Francis deRuschi Trophy for highest overall score in Division I.
  • Sean O. was Champion for The Brushwood Trophy awarded for the highest combined score in dressage and equitation.
  • Sean also won the Thorncroft Perpetual Trophy for the highest combined score in trail equitation and dressage for Division III.

All in all, Ivy Hill riders participated in 49 individual events.

Thank you to all staff and volunteers who helped make this such a special day for our riders. It was a long day with a lot of work but hopefully the smiles and ribbons made it all worthwhile in the end.

Stayed tuned for pictures from the day & awards at Devon.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

A Parent's Perspective

On Saturday, 17 Ivy Hill riders participated in 49 individual events at the 31st Annual Handicapped Riders Division of the Devon Horse Show. It was a long day for staff, horses, riders and volunteers. However, it is a day every rider looks forward to. To get the opportunity to ride at Devon is a huge event! This year was no different. Our riders did a fantastic job. After the event (which will be featured in another post shortly), the following email was received from one rider's family. I think it speaks for iteself and so I wanted to share it with all of you.

"Congratulations to instructors and volunteers as well. What a great showing for the Ivy Hill Riders and Horses!

17 riders competing 49 individual events, 3 Reserve Champions and Sean returning to the Devon Fair Grounds for, I think, the second time. Great Job, Sean! We were at Thorncroft to see several Ivy Hill competitors, including our son, and I witnessed Ivy Hill riders with courage, confidence and smiles. (especially Amy in Equitation - cool, calm and confident with a great smile the whole time. It was a great program to watch.)

This program builds character in their students and indeed, it starts with you and all the instructors and volunteers. The tireless hours you spend in the ring with these children as well as the uncountless hours that you spend caring for our horses, are, in my opinion, what makes Ivy Hill special.

As parents who have beared witness to the growth and maturity in this program for the last 8 years - Ivy Hill has made untold gains in the growth and maturity of the students; and truth be told, you make it look easy, although, and I speak for all of us parents, we fully know how much preparation, desire, dedication, discipline, as well as love, you invest into Ivy Hill's riders and horses that today, and everyday, makes a difference in ways that you cannot possibly know. But, we know.

With appreciation and gratitude, we wish you Congratulations on the outstanding accomplishments demonstrated today at Thorncroft.

All the best,

Greg and Bev

PS - we are pulling for Charlie and Duncan in Best Therapeutic Horse competition and wish them best of luck."

Stay tuned for results and pictures of Devon.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Best of Luck

Ivy Hill staff & Board of Directors would like to wish all riders competing in the Handicapped Division of the Devon Horse Show today Best of Luck!! Riders and horses from Ivy Hill are at Thorncroft, Inc. in Malvern today competing in dressage, trail and equitation classes. What a perfect day for a horse show!! Thank you to all staff and volunteers who are working hard today assisting our riders at the show.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend Schedule

Ivy Hill will be closed on Saturday, Sunday & Monday (May 29th, 30th & 31st). Lessons will resume on Tuesday, June 1st.

Have a safe & happy holiday weekend!!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Volunteers Needed

Ivy Hill is in need of volunteers for the following days and times:

Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.
Satruday & Sundays: 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.

No horse experience is needed - we provide training. Please contact Megan Strychowski at (215) 822-2515 ext. 3 or

Thank you!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

New Mailing Address

Effective Immediately:

Ivy Hill's mailing address has changed. Please update your records. Our new mailing address is:

P.O. Box 394
Perkasie, PA 18944

Our facility address remains unchanged.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

How to Fit a Dressage Saddle 101

Are you a horse owner? Have you ever wondered how to properly fit a dressage saddle? Well here's your chance your learn. Click on the link below & watch the video from It will give you the basics on fitting a dressage saddle.

If you are unable to click on the link, please cut & paste into your browser & you will be able to view it from there.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Fabric Needed

This summer we will be workiing with the kids at camp to make pillow cases for children at Children's Hospital. We are looking for fabric donations to create the pillow cases. Any fabric any design will do. They are supposed to be wild pillowcases. Below is a sample of a pillow case that was made for these children. To donate fabric, please drop off at the barn or contact Megan Strychowski at (215) 822-2515 ext. 1 or

Thank you for your support as we help other children in need.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Special Olympic County Show Results

On April 11th, 23 students from Ivy Hill competed at the Special Olympic Equestrian County Show held in Pineville, PA. Forty Special Olympic Athletes spent a minimum of ten weeks training at Ivy Hill and One Step At a Time (OSAT) from January through April as part of the Bucks County Special Olympics Equestrian Program. On the 11th, they competed in trail, equitation and dressage classes.

In June, 26 altheles from Ivy Hill & OSAT will represent Bucks County at The Pennsylvania Special Olympic Summer Games held at Penn State University. This is an amazing event lasting three days. Athletes participate in open & closing ceremonies, various equestrian competitions and many fun activities throughout the weekend. Athletes get the chance to stay in the dorms, eat the cafeteria food and get a little taste of college life as they "take over" Penn State's campus.

Ivy Hill staff and Board of Directors would like to congratulate our Special Olympic athletes for their hard work and dedication - they do an amazing job representing Bucks County each year. We would also like to wish them the Best of Luck as they prepare to travel to Penn State in a little over a month's time.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Ivy Hill In Action

You can see Ivy Hill in action at the following upcoming events:

Today, April 28th - The 3rd Annual Non-Profit Volunteer Fair, sponsored by First Savings, 4 to 7p.m. at the Plumsteadville Fire House. Ivy Hill is always looking for additional volunteers to help with lessons and barn work as well as special events throughout the year.

May 1 & 2nd - Ivy Hill home show. This is a great opportunity to see our clients show off the skills they practice each week during their lessons. Classes will include dressage, equitation, jumping and trail. The classes begin at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday morning and on Sunday.

May 29th & 30th - The Handicapped Division of the Devon Horse Show - held at Thorncroft, Inc., Malvern, PA - this horse show is a favorite for our riders. Held in picturesque Malvern, this is an all day show with dressage, trail, equitation and jumping classes. Riders who win trophies & perpetual awards are invited to compete on Sunday Morning at Devon in the Dixon Oval - truly a high honor. Last year Ivy Hill's Crystal & Sean both received trophies and competed on Sunday in the Dixon Oval. And let's not forget Ivy Hill's horses. They are competing as well. Ivy Hill's Blue and Bean were awarded the prestigious Therapeutic Horse of the Year Award in 2007 and 2008 respectively.

May 31st - The barn will be closed in celebration of Memorial Day.

June 8-14th - Barn Closed for Special Olympic State Competition.

June 10-13th - Special Olympics @ Penn State University - join 12 of Ivy Hill's students at the compete at Special Olympic State Games!! This is a fun weekend of competition with athletes from all over Pennsylvania. Students stay in the dorms at Penn State and enjoy all the activities of Special Olympic competition including opening & closing ceremonies.

June 15th - Regularly scheduled lessons resume today.

July 4th - Barn Closed in Observation of July 4th Holiday

July 31st - Trenton Thunder Baseball Fundraiser - Ivy Hill will again host a night of Trenton Thunder Baseball on July 31st. Ivy Hill has 100 seats reserved for us. This Saturday night game has a 7:05 pm start time and includes fireworks. Tickets are $11.00 each and are on sale now! Those who went last year had a great time.

For tickets, please see any instructor or contact Megan Strychowski at (215) 822-2515ext. 1. Deadline for ticket purchase is June 25th.

Please help support Ivy Hill while enjoying a great baseball game against the New Hampshire Fisher Cats.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Thank you Volunteers!!!

On Saturday, April 24th, a group of 10 volunteers from the South Eastern Pennsylvania (SEPA) Synod's annual youth "Helping Hands Day" spent the day at Ivy Hill. They cleaned up our flower beds for the summer. The volunteers were from two local Lutheran congregations. More than forty social service organizations in the five county area were helped by several hundred youth on Saturday. Our flower beds look great - thank you volunteers for all your help and hard work!!

The SEPA Synod is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. Their mission is to lead youth into a closer relationship with Christ by offering opportunities to explore their faith through worship, expanded Christian relationships and through life-transforming experiences. For more information about their program, please visit their website:

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Local Strangles Outbreak - Please Read

Dear Parents, Staff, Volunteers;

A local barn has had several recent cases of Strangles. Strangles is an extremely contagious disease for horses. For more information on Strangles, please click the link below:

If any volunteers, staff or clients visit other barns, please take the following steps to help prevent a Strangles outbreak here at Ivy Hill: If you are coming to Ivy Hill directly from another barn, please make sure you change your clothing and shoes. Please wash hands with antibacterial soap or shower first when possible.

Thank you for helping to prevent Ivy Hill horses from getting Strangles.

Please feel free to ask questions or for more information.

Thank you,

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April 29th Free Parenting & Family Workshop

No Child Left Inside is a free parenting & family workshop presented by the Lenape Valley Foundation. Held at the Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce (Suite 23, 252 W. Swamp Road, Doylestown), this wokshop will give you ideas on why & how to get your child outside for unstructured outdoor time. Time is 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. Space is limited - please call 215-348-3913 or email

Monday, April 19, 2010

Trenton Thunder Baseball Fundraiser

Ivy Hill will again host a night of Trenton Thunder Baseball on July 31st. Ivy Hill has 100 seats reserved for us. This Saturday night game has a 7:05 pm start time and includes fireworks. Tickets are $11.00 each and are on sale now! Those who went last year had a great time.

For tickets, please see any instructor or contact Megan Strychowski at (215) 822-2515ext. 1. Deadline for ticket purchase is June 25th.

Please help support Ivy Hill while enjoying a great baseball game against the New Hampshire Fisher Cats.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Congratulations to Instructor Julia MacMinn

Julia MacMinn, one of our Ivy Hill's instructors, successfully completed the registered level instructor certification process through NARHA. Headquartered in Denver, Colorado, NARHA’s mission is to “change and enrich lives by promoting excellence in equine assisted activities.” To accomplish this mission, NARHA fosters safe, professional, ethical and therapeutic equine activities through education, communication, research and standards. The association ensures its standards are met through an accreditation process for centers and a certification process for instructors. Ivy Hill is in the process of center certification & part of that process is helping all instructors achieve instructor certification. Julia is our 4th instructor to achieve certification through NARHA.

Julia started volunteering with Ivy Hill in 2005 after seeing a flyer about Ivy Hill at the Indian Valley Public Library. She has been teaching for one year.

Julia will be graduating from Lansdale Catholic this spring and in the fall is heading to Penn State University's main campus where she will pursue a duel major in Pre-Vet and Bio Medical Science.

Please offer congratulations to Julia when you see her at the barn or at upcoming horse shows. Becoming a NARHA registered level instructor is a great accomplishment!! Congratulations Julia!!!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Ivy Hill Receives Educational Stipend from the North Penn Nonprofit Academy

Ivy Hill was recently awarded an educational stipend from the North Penn Nonprofit Academy. This stipend will allow Ivy Hill staff to attend continuing education opportunities to further their knowledge of therapuetic horsemanship, disabilities, and a variety of other topics.

The North Penn Nonprofit Academy is a series of workshops and events aimed at bolstering the important work of nonprofit leaders in North Penn's health & human services community. For more information about The North Penn Nonprofit Academy, please visit their website at

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Silent Auction a Success!!

Thank you to everyone who braved the rain, wind, flooding & mud yesterday to help make our 4th annual silent auction a huge success. A great time was had by all & Marvin Blickenstaff performed another fantastic piano program.

More information, additional thank you's and photos will be posted shortly.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Vote for April & Bean!!

Karen Brenner, who painted April & Bean this past year, has announced a contest: Vote for Your Favorite Beautiful Horses of Pennsylvania Painting. Our painting of April & Bean are among the nominees.

You can vote two times - one by going to this link & casting your vote:

and by visitng Karen's booth at the Horse Expo in Allentown on Saturday, April 10th from 10 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

If April & Bean's painting win, their painting will be featured in Karen's Cafe Press Shop on all sorts of gift items!!! Let's help them win!!

Their painting is under Jumping Bean & April Fire.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Volunteers Needed

Hi Everyone - Ivy Hill is in immediate need of additional volunteers to help with barn work every day both in the morning & the afternoon.

We are also in need of weekday lesson help as well. Lesson help is needed for weekends as well.

You don't need any prior horse experience, we offer training to all volunteers who come to Ivy Hill. Please contact Megan Strychowski at (215) 822-2515 ext. 1 or through email at:

Thank you for your help!!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Liberty Lutheran Services Visits Ivy Hill

On February 23rd, a group of students from Liberty Lutheran Services came to visit Ivy Hill. Liberty Lutheran Services is an organization which brings a rich history of faith and tradition to the people of Southeastern Pennsylvania. Since 2001, Liberty Lutheran Services has offered an array of services including social services to children, youth, families, refugees, immigrant communities, and senior care services. Senior care services include living, rehabilitation, nursing, in-home and hospice care. Liberty Lutheran Services strives to build and strengthen families and create caring communities.

The students visiting Ivy Hill were here to learn about how they are model citizens in the community and how they can affect individuals within their community. While here, Ivy Hill ran an educational seminar to teach them about Ivy Hill and what we do. They got the chance to watch several therapeutic riding sessions as well as several Hippotherapy sessions. They also learned about caring for horses and how involved it is. They helped with some grooming and tacking to prepare the horses for sessions. While tacking, they learned about the different types of tack and equipment we use in our lessons for our students based on their needs. They also learned about the daily barn chores and feeding the horses & got to try their hand at both.

They participated in a volunteer seminar where they had the chance to learn about leading and side aiding during student lessons. They also went over tacking of the horse - everything a volunteer needs to know to volunteer with the lessons at our program.

Then they got the chance to ride one of our horses to feel what our riders go through when they first start something new. They learned about how much balance and trunk control is required and how the tension in their body reflects on how the horse moves.

They asked many great questions. It was a valueable opportunity for them to glimpse what it is like to not only volunteer but to participate in a therapeutic riding program.

For more information on the Liberty Lutheran Services, please visit their website at

If you work with an organization like Liberty Lutheran Services & would like to bring a group to Ivy Hill, please contact Megan Strychowski at (215) 822-2515 ext. 1 or through email at

Monday, March 1, 2010

Bureau of Autism Services Offers Mini Grants

The Bureau of Autism Services of the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare announced the availability of mini-grants to support children and adults with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and families that include an individual with ASD. A focus of this project is to reach out and service individuals and families that are not able to access existing support systems for various reasons.

Applications meeting eligibility requirements may apply for up to $500.00 in grant funds. Priority will be given to applications who have not received a Bureau of Autism Services Mini Grant in previous funding years. The deadline for applications is April 16th, however, total funding for these mini grants is limited and is on a first come, first served basis!! If you are eligible to apply, please do so as early as possible!

To apply for a grant or for more information please visit the Bureau's website at:

If you qualify for funding and would like help filling out the application, please contact Wendy Aughe or (215) 822-2515 ext. 3.

Friday, February 26, 2010

No Lessons Today, Friday, February 26th!!

Lessons are cancelled due to the weather - stay safe & enjoy the snow!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Snow Day - No Lessons Today - Thursday, Feb. 25th

Due to the expected snowfall amounts, Ivy Hill has cancelled all lessons for today. Stay safe and enjoy the snow!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Free Parenting Workshop 3/17/2010

Parenting in the Age of Facebook
Tips for parents on how to deal with the benefits and demands of social media.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
9:00 to 10:30 a.m.
Presented by Fabian Salgado, M.A., Growing Within
Held at Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce
252 W. Swamp Road
Suite 23
Doylestown, PA

This program is offered through The Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce's Parenting & Family Committee. Sign up today - space is limited. (215) 348-3910 or

Ivy Hill is now a proud member of the Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce!

Monday, February 22, 2010

8th Annual Pennsylvania Horse World Expo

This weekend - February 25th - 28th at the Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex in Harrisburg, PA. This is a great event with everything for the horse lover: a consumer trade show, hundreds of vendors, demonstrations, educational seminars and more! Visit their website for more information:

Friday, February 19, 2010

Our Grand Event is Fast Approaching

Did you know our Silent Auction is less than 1 month away? Our March 13th event at the Indian Valley Country Club marks our 4th annual Silent Auction & Dinner.

Donations are rolling in & I have tell you, we have a lot of great items that will auctioned off this year! While I can't give away all the items being auctioned, let's just say, there is something for everyone - gift certifcates, baskets, event tickets, jewelry, etc.

We are very excited to have Marvin Blickenstaff back for another great evening of piano music. Marvin is an exceptional pianist and you won't be disappointed by his private concert just for us!

Invitations went out earlier this week. Tickets are on sale now! Ticket prices are $75.00 person for adults and $25.00 for children (chicken finger meal).

For those of you who are donating items for the auction, please bring them to the barn no later than February 28th so we can group them for the tables & create the evening's program. There is still time to donate items for this event.

Lastly, there are still a limited number of space in our program for advertising.

Please contact Wendy Aughe at (215) 822-2515 ext. 3 for all questions regarding this event.

We look forward to seeing you on the 13th!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Kohl's Kids Who Care Scholarship Program

Kohl's is now accepting nominations for the Kohl's Kids Who Care Scholarship Program for youth whose volunteer efforts have made a positive impact on their communities. For more information and to apply for this scholarship, please visit

This is a great opportunity for our high school volunteers to be rewarded for their hard work here at Ivy Hill.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Jumping Bean & April Fire Have Been Painted

Ivy Hill would like to thank Karen Brenner for painting Jumping Bean ("Bean") & April Fire ("April") as part of her project, The Beautiful Horses of Pennsylvania. Last year she put the word out that she was going to be creating The Beautiful Horses of Pennsylvania and we nominated four of our horses. Bean & April were chosen to be painted. Karen came to the farm & photographed them. From there, she created a painting of the two of them together. She finished it last week & posted it on her blog - it's beautiful - be sure to take a look at Karen's website at

The painting of Bean & April will also be on display at the Horse Expo in Allentown on April 10th. If you can make it, be sure to check out her display & see the painting.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Lessons Cancelled for Thursday, February 11th

Due to the winter storm upon us, all lessons are cancelled for tomorrow - Thursday, February 11th! Stay safe & enjoy your extra snow day!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Summer Camp Is Coming!!

As I sit & write this, the clouds are rolling in & the second storm of the week is quickly heading our way. It almost feels wrong to be writing to you about Summer Camp but it is that time again. Time to think about Ivy Hill Summer Camp. 2010 will mark our 5th year of summer camp & we are excited to announce six weeks again this year!! We are excited to bring back your favorite activities and add a few new ones into the mix as well. Camp weeks will be:

Week I: June 21st - 25th
Week II: June 28th - July 2nd
Week III: July 12th - 16th
Week IV: July 19th - 22nd
Week V: August 9th - 13th
Week VI: August 16th - 20th

For those of you who would like to apply for grants, Bucks County Special Needs Camp Grant information is available on our Ivy Hill website under the Summer Camp tab. Ivy Hill will also offer a limited number of scholarships - information on Ivy Hill scholarship information will follow shortly.

Costs will be the same as last year. Camp slots can be reserved now. Registration forms will be available shortly. If you have any questions regarding Summer Camp, please contact Megan Strychowski, Program Manager, at (215) 822-2515 ext. 3 or

We are looking forward to another great summer of camp - hope to see you there!

Wednesday, February 10th Lessons Cancelled

Due to the upcoming storm, Ivy Hill has cancelled lessons for Wednesday, February 10th. Enjoy your snow day & stay safe!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Saturday Lessons Cancelled

Due to the weather, all lessons on Saturday have been cancelled. Enjoy your snow day!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Save the Date: March 13, 2010

Ivy Hill will host our 4th Annual Silent Auction & Dinner March 13, 2010 at the Indian Valley Country Club, Telford. Invitations will be mailed out shortly. If you are not currently on our mailing list please contact Wendy Aughe at
Silent auction donations are rolling in & you won't want to miss these goodies: Wii Sports Basket, beautiful jewelry pieces, gift certificates for photography pacakges from Wilson Black Photography, golf course gift certificates, bed & breakfast escapes, Philadelphia Orchestra tickets, and much, much more.
The highlight of this year's event will be the private piano concert by noted pianist, Marvin Blickenstaff. For any piano lover, this is one event you will not want to miss.
Sponsorships and silent auction donations are still needed. If you would like to sponsor this event or make a silent auction donation please contact Wendy Aughe at or (215) 822-2515 ext. 3.
Please help us make this our best event to date!! See you there!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Ivy Hill Welcomes Lisa Prinz to Board of Directors

We are pleased to announce the addition of Lisa Prinz to our Board of Directors. Lisa joined the board at the end of December and brings with her a wealth of Human Service insurance experience. She has been working in HS since 1991. Lisa received her undergraduate degree from Wester Chester University and her law degree from Widener University, where she graduated Cum laude. She has been employed by Harleysville Insurance Group, Inc. for the past year and currently works as Vice President of HS. Outside of work, Lisa spends most of her time with her family and friends preferably at the beach. She participates in various volunteer opportunities including teaching for the Insurance Society of Philadelphia.

Welcome to our team Lisa!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Congratulations Janna Herrmann!!

Congratulations to Janna for her recent graduation from Delaware Valley College!! She officially graduated last spring with a duel major in Equine Studies and Business Administration. In December she finished her last two classes for her Business Administration degree. She graduated summa cum laude and received dean's list recognition all 8 semesters. She was recognized for having the highest GPA in the class of 2009.

Janna has been with Ivy Hill since she did an internship as part of her Equine Studies major during the summer of 2007. After her internship, Janna stayed on as an instructor. Last spring she successfully completed the NARHA instructor program and is now a registered NARHA instructor. In addition to being an instructor, Janna is also Ivy Hill's Horse Care Manager/Trainer.