Wednesday, September 30, 2009

United Way Days of Caring - THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS

On September 22nd, Ivy Hill had over 28 volunteers mostly from Univest and Hatfield Quality Meats come and spend the day at our facility as part of the United Way's Days of Caring.

They helped with a variety of tasks including:
~removing sawdust/manure, removing and cleaning stall mats, leveling the stall grit, replacing the mats and adding new sawdust.
~all run outs were cleared of manure
~two stall doors were repaired
~flower beds were weeded and fall mums planted.
~property was weed whacked or mowed.
~indoor ground hog holes were repaired and more grit added.
~white fence at driveway entrance was secured from leaning.
~indoor ramp was supported ~cobwebs were removed from ceilings.
~barn stalls were painted
~round pen was moved as requested
~one stall window repaired.

These volunteers did an amazing amount of work in one day & really helped to make Ivy Hill shine. The barn is so much brighter with the stalls freshly painted. Thank you for help!

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