As we continue to draw closer to the holiday season Ivy Hill has some small gifts that would be perfect for those partially full stockings! Currently in stock we have some Ivy Hill paraphernalia including; car magnets ($3), water bottles ($8), and there is still some clothing in stock. The next round of clothing orders will not be until the Spring but Megan still has some sizes in stock. Check in with her to find out what's in stock!
Also in stock is the book Dasher's Lucky Shoe by Robin Lightner. It’s a fun story of Santa delivering gifts to a special children's ranch in Wyoming. Dasher, Santa's lead reindeer loses a shoe as they land on the rooftop at this special ranch. Fortunately for Santa, the ranch has a children's therapeutic riding program, and their blacksmith, Big John, comes to the rescue.
Over the years the children at this special needs ranch collected reindeer shoes, and one is included in this package. Megan has five more books in stock for the price of $18 dollars. When supplies run out more books can be ordered directly from the flyer hanging up at the barn.
Also for sale are the tickets to win a 1975 Corvette! Only 1,100 tickets are going to be sold for $20 each. The drawing will take place on March 21, 2011, at Ivy Hill's Annual Silent Auction and Dinner. All proceeds from this sale benefit Ivy Hill!
Bring a little bit of the barn home with you this Holiday. As always, on behalf of all Ivy Hill staff, Happy Holidays!