With the arrival of Labor Day Weekend, we at Ivy Hill begin to get ready for fall!
If you have requested a change in your riding schedule, don't forget the new fall schedule begins on Tuesday!
Our Fall show is fast approaching!! This year we are trying something new & having the show as a two-day show!! This will be easier on our horses as well as our staff and volunteers. We hope this change will be lots of fun for everyone involved. Please see Megan if you can bake something for the bake sale, can volunteer either day or want to show. Classes are $2 each to help cover the cost of ribbons and judging.
Have you been to the barn lately? See anyone new? Wondered who that adorable new pony is & if she is ours? Well to answer your questions - her name is Pebbles & she is now part of our program. She is a dapple grey welsh pony & she is absolutely adorable!! In case you haven't gotten a chance to meet her yet, here is a picture of her. She loves attention but is still adjusting to life in a barn.
Finally, Thorncroft's Fall Show will be Oct. 26th. Please refer to the email Megan sent to all rider's for complete details.
Have a safe and Happy Labor Day Weekend!